User Registration

Register Policy FAQ

How do I register for an account?

  1. Open the Zoey Homemade-EM website at and click on the [Sign Up] option in the top menu.
  2. Enter your mobile number in the format 01XXXXXXXX, read and agree to the [Privacy Policy] by ticking the checkbox.
  3. Click the [Next] button to proceed with your registration.
  4. A verification code will be sent to the mobile number you provided.
    • Note: The code is valid for 5 minutes only.
  5. Enter the verification code to verify your mobile number. Upon successful verification, you will be directed to the page to create your login password.
  6. Create a secure password that meets the following criteria:
    • Contains 6–20 characters
    • Includes at least one uppercase letter
    • Numbers and symbols are allowed.
    After entering your preferred password, click the [Next] button to continue.
  7. Your account has now been successfully created!
  8. You will be directed to a page where you can either Update Profile or Continue Shopping.
You are now ready to place your orders and enjoy shopping on our platform!